We have two different forms of behavior management. The first form is our Behavior Clip Chart. This is used to track individual behavior.
Students are able to move their clip up and down on the chart in accordance with their behavior for the day.
Purple (Fantastic) Pink (Way to Go) Blue (Excellent Effort) Green (Ready to Learn) Yellow (Make Better Choices) Orange (Teacher’s Choice ) Red (Family Contact)
If a student ends the day on red, they will write a letter home. If this happens two days in a row, I will call home. For students who end the day on the Purple (Fantastic) or Pink (Way to Go), they will earn stars towards shopping in our Rewards Catalogue.
I love this chart because even if a student makes a bad choice, they are able to correct that behavior and move their clip back up. It is a great way to reinforce behavior positively!
Our second form of of behavior management in the classroom is our Brownie Points system.
These points are earned as a whole class. When all the students are following directions and caring for one another, they get to add a brownie to our pan. When the pan is full, they will earn a class reward such as a extra recess or a game on the Smartboard.